About the town of…
Norwell first settled around 1634, was later named after Henry Norwell, a prominent and well to do summer resident. The North River, meandering 11 miles to the ocean, allowed Norwell to develop as a farming community, and as a builder of many of the finest ships of her day including frigates, schooners, and whaling ships. Today the North River, the salt marshes, the pine forests, and the 500 acres of town conservation land typify the character and flavor of this pretty New England town. Modern schools and other municipal buildings blend perfectly with the old colonial homes on Main Street, the wooden country roads, the open fields and old stone walls that give Norwell its unique charm. Excellent recreational facilities, convenient shopping, easy access to Boston and special places like the South Shore Natural Science Center, Black Pond Preserve and, of course, the unspoiled North River make Norwell a town that is great to live in.
-Alfredo Aiello Italian Foods -Asaka Japanese and Asian Cuisine -Beijing House Restaurant -Cedar Café | -Cheever Tavern -Little Carmen’s -Strawberry Fair -The Fours | -Tinker’s Son -Trattoria San Pietro -Wild Ginger Tai |
-Board and Brush Creative Studio -Hornstra Farms -James Library & Center for the Arts | -KidZone -Norris Reservation | -South Shore Natural Science Center -The Company Theatre |
-Creative Creations -Inclusion Records -Lannan Ship Model Gallery -Local Pottery -Lyn Evans | -Marathon Sports -Natale’s Men’s Clothier -Off the Rack -Permissions | -Queen Anne Plaza
-Stonehouse Antiques Inc.
-Walpole Outdoors
-Yarn’s End
Public Schools:
-Cole Elementary
-Norwell High
-Norwell Middle
-Vinal Elementary
Nearby Private Schools:
-Archbishop Williams -Boston College High School -Derby Academy -Fontbonne Academy | -INLY School -Milton Academy -Notre Dame Academy -Old Colony Montessori | -St. Paul’s
-Thayer Academy
-Xaverian Brothers High School
Nearby Nursery/Preschool:
-Bright Horizons -Brown Bear -Carriage House Nursery -Derby Academy -Erdman Preschool -Herring Brook Day School -Hingham Community Center -Hingham Nursery School -HISD Integrated Pre-K | -INLY School -JCC Early Learning Center -Kinds Cove Playschool -Lynn’s Family Play Care -Nantasket Preschool -Natural Science Center -New Beginnings Playschool -North Street Play School -Old Colony Montessori | -Our World -Preschool Playmates -Ridge School of Norwell -Sandcastles Childcare Center -South Shore Community Center -South Shore Conservatory Preschool -Su Escuela Language Academy -The Nursery School -Wilder Memorial Nursery School |
For more information on public schools:
For community profiles, administrative information, and MCAS scores:
Transportation in the area:
-Commuter rail service -Hingham commuter boat to Boston -JBL Bus Lines | -Logan airport -MBTA bus service -MBTA stations | -P & B Bus -Quincy Harbor express to Boston |
Helpful websites for more information:
Please visit http://www.townofnorwell.net to learn more about Norwell and the following:
-Community Preservations -Culture and Recreation -Current Town Projects -Fraternal Organizations -Historical Commissions -Important Phone Numbers -Neighborhood Associations | -Places of Worship -Public Safety -Public Works and Utilities -Recreation Areas -Service Organizations -Social Organizations | -Town Boards -Town Committees -Town Facts -Town Government -Utility Information -Youth Sports and Scouts |
For more information, please see the “Ultimate South Shore Resource Guide” Newsletter!